Monday, September 28, 2009

Bienvenido... Hola Latin America. Bahaha!

I should have kept up on my blogging. Now there's wayy to much to write. I try to post up a couple stories and some pics for you. The pics are scarce b/c the second you pull out your camera it's like an invitation to those less fortunate to take advantage of an opportunity to better their current situation... so ya. Wish I had pics of all that Iv seen but I don't. They will come as I get more acclimated.

Alright these are 3 guys i met at YWAM. I snapped this pic right as i was leaving b/c Celsiero told me to make sure to show him to my sisters. bahaha. So mal, awbs, and claire bear check this out. :) From left to right Chennelle, eric, celsiero. Chennella and clesiero lived on the base, they are awesome dudes and are crazy bomb at futbol. It's cool jsut to watch them play. Eric is on a DTS at the base, its like a disicple training school... he is a really solid guy, reminds me of nick hill (phx amigos) I want to stay in touch with a bunch of the people i net at YWAm they were all super solid and made me feel incredibly welcomed.

haha this bug was like the size of my thumb... on a tshirt sweet.

<-- this is san viecente. it was the closest "town" where i stayed in Panama. I spent 45 min at the "zona" their walmart, with this guy Jan Van pronounced "Yawn Vawn" shopping for his soaps etc. haha it was fun. We smelled like 50 diff bars of strange bath soap.

Okay so we were playing futbol with some of the kids from YWAM on this "field" but it was really dirt on one half and like foot tall wild grass on the other. Oh and it was AZ monsoon status pouring rain, so me, being the amazing soccer player I am, slide for this ball (im still not sure if it was itnentional or if i just ate it...) and I completely miss the ball and it rolls out of bounds. Ha but as reward for my bravery I got Jesus whip marks across my back. This pic kinda washes them out they were bright red status. bahaha. I was hoping for a cool scar or somethingg, but i had to be real kind to it b/c of all the extra bacteria here so it has now almost healed completely and with no signs of scaring... :(

This is me on my first day at YWAM looking like a bum. I basically was disgusting the whole time i was in panama. This is like behind the "dorm" i was in.

This was where i did the majority of my work. Its a new 2 room dorm they are building, so i did tiling and electrical work. haha. both I had never done before, but they showed me a thing or two and kinda just let me go for it... so we'll see how it all holds up.

This is the haall way ish in the main building at YWAM it faced out to the view of the pic below it... or next to it.

This was cool it was just back in the corner of the YWAM base.

Ahhh ha. My first night in panama. I stayed here b/c i never saw the man who was to pick me up from the bus station... I ended up here b/c it was the only hotel with an english name "hotel backpackers" So I went for it. I cannot describe the feeling of relief of having a room to go back to where there were not people staring at me every moment. It was $25. Emilillo the guy who picked me up told me you can find places for half that... oh well I was happy and safe. ha.

This was out the plane when I was flying into Florida.

okay so you want a story. hmmm... well quite a few of you have heard my korean friend border check story... that was funny. if you want to hear it fb message me and il tell you its pretty sweet.
umm let's see so today i went downtown San Jose with a buncha my fellow study abroaders. We were with a director from ISA, before leaving she told us that we could not pull out our cameras at any moment and just start taking picutres. (that is unless we wanted to donate our camera to a tico) She said that if someone did want to take a picture we would all creat a large circle around the person and only when the cirlce was complete and closed off the the picture taker was in the middle could they take out their camer and snap a quick shot. bahaha. I didn't have mine or else i totally would have jsut for the fun of seeing such a spectacle! ha like a huge group of wide eyed gringos wasnt enough of a scene already... unfortunately everyone was too terrified to attemt such a feat. not a single picture was taken.
road in a "pirate" taxi 2 days ago. got ripped off pretty good...
It's raining so hard right now I'm afraid my families roof is going to bust open and ill be in the shower of rain thats coming down.
hmmm umm any questions? There is a lot to tell but i dont feel like writing it all, but post a Q and ill gladly reply.
Today i got up early and ran to a gym and signed up for the month (bahaha must workout! muhaha)
Im currently back in San jose and classes start tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. !!!! Dude, that sounds incredible. It looks so beautiful out there. I know you are going to expeience the craziest things, and I want to hear them all :p alright man I miss you and love you. Tell your family hi for me
